Contact information for repairs and warranty
Repair process: in case of breakage, first step is to notify CDL FLY S.L. customer
service the incidence via e-mail to
or via your dealer. Within next days, CDL FLY customer service will contact you with
instructions. The standard process is to send the complete rod to CDL FLY factory for
reparation. NEVER SEND THE ROD BEFORE ACEPTATION of the CDL FLY customer service.
Factory address:
Camino de Genarín 89 – Finca Torreblanca
33391 – Gijón – Asturias
Warranty terms
Handling fees:
a) Fabrication Defect (determined for our production manager) = Free reparation and shipping
b) Non Fabrication Defect = But section: 80€, all other sections: 50€. These prices do not include shipping cost that will be quoted and
communicated to the client at the end of the reparation. All reparation will be shipped after advanced payment via paypal of wire transfer.
The estimated maximum delivery time 30 days upon receipt of the broken rod in the factory CDL FLY
2. All the rods Arrow, Admira, Maxia and Technia by Modern Flies
will received the same treatment as MAXIA rods of CDL FLY (case b), independently of the
existence Modern Flies warranty.