Dubbing Brush, Big Fly Brush

The Big Fly Dubbing Brushes are designed for 3 dimensional big flies like pike streamers, saltwater flies, salmon flies, huchen and taimen streamers. This is the largest version of our dubbing brushes, they are longer and have much more fiber density to compare with other similar products on the market. The fibers are perfectly distributed belong the brush. Dubbing brushes are packeted in bags per 1 pc.

Big Fly Dubbing Brushes are available in 4 types
Glossblend of fine llama dubbing, natural fibers, synthetic sparkling antron, fine angelhair fibers7.5-10 cm
(3-4 ")
30 cm
(1 ft)
streamer tails, bodies and front hackles
Dullblend of fine llama dubbing, natural fibers in dull colors7.5-10 cm
(3-4 ")
30 cm
(1 ft)
streamer tails, bodies and front hackles
bright sparkling synthetic, natural and angelhair fibers2.5-3.5 cm
(1+ ")
30 cm
(1 ft)
big streamer bodies;
small streamer tails, bodies and front hackles;
stilwater blobs
dull lineal llama fibers2.5 cm
(1 ")
30 cm
(1 ft)
streamer heads and bodies in dull colors

Tying tips: simply add a head and tail to the hook, wrap your Big Fly Dubbing Brush combing the hairs towards the rear and make bulky fuzzy body - pulsing in the water, tie off, brush the fly shape using wire hair brush, catch the fish!

Features: each dubbing brush will tie many flies (how many depends on the fly size), blended with appropriate flash enhancer for glitter and attraction, tough, resist saltwater (stainless steel, llama, antron)

Dubbing brush   Sample flies   More flies by Siggi Eichen

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The Dull Big Fly Brush is made out of a blend of fine llama dubbing and natural fibers mixed with fine angelhair fibers, twisted with light stainless steel wire to make easy wrapping.
The diameter is 7,5-10 cm (3-4 inches), lenght 30 cm (1 feet), they are available in 42 colors.
For streamer tails, bodies and front hackles.


The Gloss Big Fly Brush is made out of a blend of fine llama dubbing, natural fibers and synthetic sparkling antron, mixed with fine angelhair fibers, twisted with light stainless steel wire to make easy wrapping.
The diameter is 7,5-10 cm (3-4 inches), lenght 30 cm (1 feet), they are available in 42 colors.
For streamer tails, bodies and front hackles.


The Sparkle Streamer Fly Brush consists of sparkling synthetic fibers and angelhair fibres, twisted with light stainless steel wire to make easy wrapping. Its diameter is 2,5 -4 cm (1+ inch) and length 30 cm (1 feet).
Makes nice big streamer bodies. Also for smaller streamer tails, bodies and front hackles. Great for stilwater blob flies.


Lineal llama fibres, twisted with light stainless steel wire to make easy wrapping. The lenght of 1 brush is 30 cm( 1 feet), the diameter is 2.5 cm- 3 cm (1+"). Brushes are available in 17 colors. For big streamer heads and bodies in dull colors.

Tying tip: Soak the front of the streamer head with flexible head cement and form the head, then the fly head keeps bull shape in the water. When pulling the streamer in the water, the bull head produces waves attracting the fish!


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